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Writer's pictureAnthony SMK

The main goal of setting up SMK Tap Dance studio(since 2013)

In Hong Kong, there are only few places aiming at provision of high quality education or innovation of tap dancing. There are many seasonal or short courses available in the market, which seem to be lack of proper structure or syllabus of teaching. As a result, many students may not be able to have thorough and in-depth understanding of rhythm, music and tap dancing. That in turn hinders the further development of and attaching sufficient importance to tap dancing given that such dancing is closely associated with percussion instruments. SMK Tap Dance Studio was established with the objectives of enhancing the cultural standard and promotion of tap dancing, improving students' standard and inspiring them to learn. We do not provide fast-food-shops like services. Instead, we devote lifetime efforts to studying this arts with full commitment and passion and are ready to share our experiences with you, which we believe is the best gift! We teach and handle each professional or amateur performance with the principle of "one-minute on stage,  no slacking off stage", which is exactly because of our commitment and passion! Every day is the best opportunity to learn and grow, so let's get started! 

在香港能提供準職業級質素及踢躂舞創作工作坊的地方並不多,坊間僅能找到一些季度性而且不連貫的興趣課程,所以絕大部份的學員都不能深入掌握什麼是節奏什麼是聲音什麼是踢躂舞!這種與敲擊樂有密切關系的節奏踢躂舞並沒有得到傳承/重視及昇華。 SMK踢躂舞教室成立目的就是為了將之藝術水平提高及普及化,使學員能真正得到提昇和啟發。我們不會提供快餐店式的服務/教育,而是分享幾乎花上半生的精力鑽研得來的成果和賺到的經驗來與大家分享,抱著『台上一分鍾,台下不輕鬆』的宗旨去教授及處理每一個演出。因為這一份執著與熱愛,每一天也是我們進步的最好時機。我們非常歡迎你隨時加入~


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